3 Reasons You Should Be Looking to Move This Year

October 06, 2022
For many people, the thought and experience of moving are generally stressful. However, when done right, moving can go smoothly with minimal stress. For instance, you can get moving help to avoid doing all the heavy lifting yourself. According to Join Center for Housing Studies, 13% of Americans relocate annually. Some people are forced to move for one reason or another. At the same time, some people are motivated to move because they see the benefits that a new place has to offer. We believe t

Considering a Location Change? 3 Reasons That Might Help You Make That Move

September 14, 2022
Have you ever really thought about moving to a new home in another state and what advantages that has to offer? Interstate moves are on the rise. Many people are taking advantage of the moving help that is available to help them get a fresh start in a new state. Professional moving help can provide full relocation services to help you get settled quickly. Here we will evaluate why people are moving out of state and the three key benefits of making this type of move now. Why Are People Leavin

Steps to Remember When Moving to a New Home

February 28, 2022
According to Move.org, about 43 million Americans move every year. There is a lot to consider when you’re moving to a new home, and this can make it a pretty stressful process. In fact, a survey of 1,000 Americans found that moving to a new home is the most stressful event in life. The survey, conducted by OnePoll, found 45% of respondents say moving is by far the most stressful event in life, followed by going through a breakup or divorce, and getting married. And while we often consider mov

Helping Your Parents Adjust After Downsizing

November 11, 2021
Downsizing can be a very daunting and emotionally exhausting process. The whole process of deciding what to pack, what to keep in storage, what to throw away, and what to give away, can be extremely overwhelming. Top it off with having to move from a house where you raised your children and created unforgettable memories with your significant other, and you have a recipe for an emotional process. It can feel as though a part of you has been ripped away, a repository of your fading memories s

3 Scary Moving Mishaps That Could Haunt You This Halloween

September 09, 2021
Halloween is right around the corner, but spooky scary skeletons have nothing on these moving mishaps. Whether you're moving to Transylvania or just across town, you want to be sure you're taking the proper precautions to keep your furniture and other belongings safe and secure. That said, here are three common moving problems that may pop up during your own move so you can avoid them at all costs. 1. Falling Victim to a Scam One of the absolute worst things that can happen to you when yo

Choosing The Right Storage Unit For Your Move

July 02, 2021
Moving can be an exciting, yet stressful event in your life. Preparation is key when making the move. Sometimes, it is necessary to keep some of your items in a storage unit for a temporary or long-term time. For some people, they may be downsizing. And for other people- they might just not know how everything is going to fit in their new space. Whatever your reason may be, it is good to know some tips and best practices for choosing the right storage unit for you. Storage Units Overview

How to Make Moving With Kids and Pets Easier

June 11, 2021
Moving to a new home in a different city should be an exciting experience for you. Most importantly when you have kids and pets. There are different things that you should think about before your big day. You might even need to do a lot of things at the last minute. If you are planning on moving across state lines with your kids and furry friends, you should read on for some surprising tips to make your move easier. Talk To Your Kids You should sit down and chat to your kids about the mov

Simple Tips for Moving Safely During the Summer

May 17, 2021
If you need to move house during the summer, it's important to spend some time, money, and energy preparing appropriately. This allows everyone involved to stay cool and safe, while you get your belongings moved from your old home to your new home. Try these tips to make sure that you, your movers, and your family stay cool in the summer heat. Turn on Your Utilities Before the Move Contact your water and power companies before move-in day to make sure that your utilities will be turned on

4 Awful Things Can Ruin Your Moving Day

March 04, 2021
It's no secret that moving is stressful. Even with a plan in place, hiccups can happen that can throw off your groove when you least expect it. However, there's a difference between a hiccup and a disaster waiting to happen. Here are a few things that can completely ruin your moving day and what you can do to keep them from happening in the first place. Bad Weather One of the most common problems that people deal with when moving is unexpected weather. It's actually for this reason that m

How Can I Protect My Furniture During a Move?

January 13, 2021
About 33% of renters move every year, and one of the trickiest parts during a move is keeping your furniture safe from dings, scratches, and (even worse) major damage. Glass can be scratched or break, wood can be gouged, and upholstery can be stained and torn without the proper precautions. It's essential to plan ahead to make sure all of your furniture arrives at your new location damage-free. That said, here are a few ways you can make sure that your furniture stays safe, secure, and protecte